GarageBand Tutorials

More Ways to Learn
If you’re just starting out with GarageBand, please take a look at our interactive GarageBand modules. These interactive modules will teach you everything you need to know about GarageBand, from the beginning, and will give you a feel of what it’s like to work within GarageBand before starting your project.
Allowing Microphone Access (Particularly, Snowball Mics)
Allowing Microphone Access (Particularly, Snowball Mics) This tutorial shows how to allow and troubleshoot microphone access.When recording audio in GarageBand, Adobe Audition or Express Video and other apps that make use of an external microphone like the Blue...
Starting a New Podcast Project in GarageBand
This tutorial will show you how to create a new podcast project in GarageBand and adjust your settings to make it easier to record and navigate.Create a New Project Open GarageBand by selecting the GarageBand icon on the dock at the bottom of the screen or clicking...
Recording Audio in GarageBand
This tutorial will show you how to record audio with GarageBand in your newly created podcast project.Select a Track The new podcast that you’ve created will open with two tracks. The first one will be selected by default. To select the other, simply click on it. The...
Editing Podcasts in GarageBand
This tutorial will help you edit your audio, whether it’s fixing your mistakes or adjusting the volume.Once you’ve made a recording, you can play it back by dragging the playhead to the beginning and pressing the spacebar.Trim Ends You can trim of the ends of clips by...
Fades, Volume Adjustment, Music, and Sound Effects in GarageBand
GarageBand comes with a wide array of jingles and sound effects to make your podcast pop. This tutorial will show you how to use them in your podcast, and how to do fades and adjust audio levels of different clip segments.Add an Intro or Outro Click the Loop icon in...
Exporting a Podcast as an MP3 in GarageBand
This tutorial will show how to export a podcast out of GarageBand as an MP3.Once you’ve completed your podcast, exporting as an MP3 is extremely easy. Click File and select Save. This step only saves the data file of your recording and edits. Select Share and then...
Backing Up / Restoring Your GarageBand Project to External Storage from a Media Commons iMac
This tutorial will show you how to backup your GarageBand project when you are done working for the day, and restore your project when you are ready to work on your podcast again. You can save to a flash drive, hard drive, MC Storage, or cloud storage. Note: If you...
Setting up a Recurring Zoom Audio Interview Meeting
This tutorial will show you how to set up a recurring Zoom meeting in order to share a permanent phone number and meeting ID number with someone. Log in to Zoom via the Penn State Video Conferencing link at Click Host to start a meeting. Log in...
Recording a Zoom Audio Meeting
This tutorial will show you how to record a Zoom Audio meeting. We also have instructions if you need to set up a Recurring Zoom Meeting. Disable Automatic Logout (Media Commons lab computers only) Before you start your meeting, you will want to disable the automatic...
Connecting and Setting up the M-Audio Gear for Podcasting in GarageBand
This tutorial will show you how to prepare to use the M-Audio mixer box with microphones to record a podcast.Connecting the M-Audio Box Make sure the microphones are plugged in to the M-Audio box (using the XLR connections). Plug the M-Audio box into the computer...