Premiere Tutorials

Looking for more Premiere?
Adobe has a wealth of training options available on their website! If you can’t find what you’re looking in our tutorials below, Adobe will have plenty of their own to help get you going.
Editing and Effects
Immersive (360º) Content
Using the Rotate Sphere effect in Adobe Premiere for 360° Video
This tutorial show how to use the rotate sphere effect in Adobe Premiere Pro, which allows you to re-orient your 360° footage. This may be useful if you need to change the starting position of your 360° video, or the horizon on your footage is off, which may happen if...
Using the VR Plane to Sphere Effect in Adobe Premiere for 360° Video
This tutorial shows how to use the VR Plane to Sphere effect in Adobe Premiere Pro to take 2D elements such as pictures, standard video, or titles, and map them properly into your 360° video.Add the VR Plane to Sphere Effect Because of the way 360° videos are laid...
Saving and Exporting Your 360° Video Project in Premiere
This tutorial shows how to save and export a 360° video project in Adobe Premiere Pro.Before you export your project, it's a good idea to save all of the changes that you have made. Open the File menu then select Save. Open the File menu, then select Export and ...
Viewing Project in 360º Mode
This tutorial shows how to view your project in 360º viewing mode while editing to make sure any edits, such as titles and transitions look correctly aligned. Click the plus sign underneath the preview window which is in the top right quadrant of the interface. Drag...