One Button Studio Presentation Best Practices
A script will also make it much easier if and when you need to add closed captions to your video.
What to Wear
Generally, you want to avoid clothes that will be distracting (shiny fabrics, bold prints or patterns), or that will get you lost in the background (white, yellow, lighter pastel colors), along with elaborate and/or shiny jewelry. It’s about finding a balance – you want to stand out in the video, but never distract your audience.
Backgrounds in the OBS are typically white or light gray, so darker colors are usually a good bet.
If you are recording in front of a green screen, do not wear green yourself, as that will interfere with the footage when it is edited (i.e. any part of you covered in green will disappear in full or in part).
Eye Contact
When determining where to look during your recording, it’s best to think of the camera as a person who is part of the conversation. Looking at the camera will make it appear like you are making eye contact with your viewers when they watch your video, resulting in a more welcoming, engaging video. Once the recording starts, before you begin speaking and after you finish, look at the camera and silently count down from five to provide space for editing purposes.
Audio and Tone
What happens if my file doesn’t save to my flash drive or Kaltura?
Don’t panic! The One Button Studio saves all video files locally to the Mac mini in the kiosk. Please ask a Media Commons consultant, campus librarian or local IT for help retrieving your recording.
For detailed information on contrast, please see the Penn State Accessibility Office page on the subject:
Limit text as much as possible, instead relying on images/graphics and your own voice. If you must use bullet points, try to limit them to three to five points per slide, since the viewer should not have to read and listen at the same time.
Use high-quality images and graphics, with only a single image per slide unless you’re making direct comparisons. It is usually best to make your images as large as possible. Charts and graphs will benefit from not sharing the screen with other information, and should take up the whole screen if feasible.
Describing Slides
Captioning and Accessibility Resources
One Button Studio at Home
Zoom, the University’s free video conferencing platform, can function as a nice remote alternative to the One Button Studio. It can be used in either a synchronous class setting or students can record themselves and share the video after recording. Zoom recordings that students create can easily be turned in to Canvas or taken into a video editor for further refinement. Learn more about use cases for employing Zoom as a One Button Studio alternative.