866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

Media Commons staff piloted an updated workshop for THEA 1S taught by Ronda Craig and Elizabeth Bonjean, The first year seminar session challenged students to create a one-minute production based on the theme “We Are.” 56 students were divided into groups and assigned production types based on their preparation time:

  • Improv: The first two groups created on-the-spot performances.
  • Interview: The second two groups conducted themed interviews.
  • Scene: The final group performed a scripted scene.

This structure worked well, ensuring students stayed engaged while waiting for their turn in the OBS studio. The collaborative and creative atmosphere made the session a success, with students thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Class Facts

Course Number: THEA 1S
Instructor: Ronda Craig and Elizabeth Bonjean
Number of Students: 56
Service Area: Media Commons
Technology: One Button Studio