866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

Creative Learning Initiatives traveled to New Kensington in mid-May for the third installment of the Future Readiness Academy for Faculty. The event “provide(s) college and university-level faculty with the opportunity to learn about new and emerging technologies and explore how they impact disciplines, pedagogies and the nature of higher education” and is supported by a Build Back Better challenge grant. CLI was invited to present Can AI Play? to participants from the regional Penn State community as well as neighboring universities, K-12 schools, public libraries and other educational institutions. Four teams partnered with ChatGPT to mash together board games, develop rules and refine instructions before play testing each others creations. This was the first deployment of the event outside of MAKEiT 2024 and was a great success with most attendees planning to adapt it for their own teaching spaces.