866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

Students in Learning Design and Technology (LDT 110) had unique opportunities to learn about making through project-based learning in the classroom and also through three different field trips to the Maker Commons for a tour of our makerspaces, a Lego Robotics/Sphero Bolt robotics workshop and an Augmented Reality workshop using Adobe Aero. For one of their assignments, students are asked to first design a prototype by applying the technical, problem solving and creative skills that they learned in class. The second portion of the assignment was to physically or digitally create the prototype using Maker Commons services. 7 sections of 40 students each returned to our spaces for one-on-one making consultations that included Arduino, robotics, 3D modeling, 3D printing, Cricut, LittleBits, MakeyMakey, paper circuits, button making, sticker printing and Microbits.

Class Facts

Course Number: Learning Design and Technology (LDT 110)
Instructor: Heather Zimmerman, Nicole Cingolani
Number of Students: 280
Service Area: Maker Commons
Technology: Arduino, Robotics, 3D Modeling, 3D Printing, littleBits, MakeyMakey