This tutorial will show students in ART courses how to upload their assignments to the correct gallery in Spatial.
The Course Hub is the main space for accessing portals. A portal looks like a bubble that will take you into the assignment-specific gallery.
- Find your course’s hub in Canvas.
- Click the heart icon in the menu in the top right corner to bookmark this hub’s location.
- Inside the hub, you will find portals transporting you to the assignment-specific art galleries.

- Walk up to the portal and click on it. It will ask if you want to be transported to the assignment-specific gallery.
- Once in the assignment-specific gallery, click the heart icon in the menu in top right corner to bookmark it, too.

- Once everything is loaded, you will notice wall numbers above empty frames. These numbers correspond to the student names in this course. Please look at the class list in Canvas to find your number. Your name will be right next to it.
- Navigate to your spot.

- Hover your cursor over the center of the frame where it says Upload Art until you see a pointer finger. Click on Upload Art. A pop-up will appear. Click Upload. Drag and drop your image, or select an image from your device.

- To magnify the artwork, hover your cursor over the image and click on the Magnifying Glass.

If you click along the edge of the artwork, you will notice several options that will show up in blue at the bottom of the screen.
- Select Info to add your first name and last initial and artwork description (optional). Click Save. If you choose to add your name and title, please add them to the artwork on the right.

- After uploading your images (some assignments will require you to submit 1 image of the completed artwork and 1 detail close-up of that artwork or 2 different images), take a screenshot of your uploaded work and submit it with your assignment in Canvas.