866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

This tutorial will walk you through starting a new portfolio and selecting a theme for an eportfolio using Adobe Portfolio.

Adobe Portfolio is a web application and is accessed at portfolio.adobe.com. You will first need to sign up for a free adobe account at adobe.psu.edu.


  1. Go to portfolio.adobe.com and log in using your Penn State account.
  2. Select Gallery of work to enable a multi-page website.
Portfolio new project screen

You will then get to select from a variety of different themes.


  1. Select one that you like by clicking on it.
portfolio themes
You’ll get a preview of what your selection will look like.

  1. Click the blue Use this theme button in the upper right corner of the screen to proceed.

NOTE: You will be able to customize the theme you select or switch to a different one later.

Theme selection screen

Your portfolio will be created. By default, your portfolio will have a Gallery and a Contact page to start with.

New portfolio project

To start a new portfolio or edit a different one, click the “Pf” Portfolio logo in the upper left corner of the screen.

Portfolio home button