Epic Zoom Backgrounds
Date & Time: Wednesday, April 22, 3pm – 4pm ET – No pre-registration necessary!
Become the envy of all your co-workers while unleashing your creative energy to design a dynamic Zoom background!
In this session of Penn State Creates, join the TLT Media Commons for some laughs as you learn to create a Zoom background video. During this session, we will guide you, step-by-step through the planning, filming and editing processes using Zoom and Adobe Rush. Using your phone, and computer, we will produce a short video that can help your Zoom background appear more lifelike, or even go viral!
Tools Needed:
Laptop joined to Zoom session
Free Adobe Creative Cloud Account for Penn State students, faculty and staff [Sign Up Here]
Tablet or Smartphone with Adobe Rush installed [Learn More About Rush] [App Store] [Google Play] [System Requirements]
Zoom Room:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://psu.zoom.us/meeting/register/uJ0vce-qrDot78nqbAZA7POuU41HE_khlw
Use Your Finished Background:
Get help adding and using a virtual background with this Using Virtual Zoom Backgrounds tutorial.