866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

This tutorial will show you how to log into Adobe Express with your Penn State Adobe Express or Creative Cloud Account.

Logging into Express

  1. Access Adobe Express on any web browser by going to express.adobe.com in order to log in.
  2. Click Sign In in the top-right corner of the page.

NOTE: If you have not already done so, you will need to first request your free Adobe Express account at https://softwarerequest.psu.edu

Adobe Express home screen

This will take you to a screen where you can select how you would like to log in.


  1. Since you’ve signed up through Penn State, click on I’m a student on the right-hand side.
CC Express log in options

4. Then select, Sign in with school email.

CC Express log in options

5. Type in your regular Penn State email address (@psu.edu).

Enter email

6. Click inside the Password field to enter your password. Once you do, it will auto-detect your Penn State email address, and should take you to the following screen.

7. Select Company or School account.

Select Company or School Account

It will then take you to the regular Penn State log in screen.

8. Enter your PSU account credentials (the same log in you use for Canvas, Lionpath, etc.) and click Log in.

You should now be logged into Express, and you are ready to start creating!