Box Migration & Retirement
Migration of the University’s Box data began in October 2020, and Box cloud storage will be retired at Penn State in September 2021. Student, faculty, and staff files will be migrated to Microsoft Office 365 over the coming months. This move will help save on expenses to the University, simplify support, and allow us to leverage existing storage offerings.
Recording a P-MOPS Group Discussion can be easily accomplished using QuickTime Player and the camera built-in to an iMac in the Media Commons. The resulting movie recording can then be uploaded to and shared for class as it will likely exceed the file space limits within Canvas.
Since these recordings tend to be longer discussions, it is important to first “Disable the Automatic Logout” on the Media Commons computer so it does not logout during the recording.
Locate the Disable Automatic Logout icon in the Applications folder, located in the upper left corner of the screen.
Double click the icon to launch.
Click I Agree. Disable Auto Logout.
Then click OK on message confirming that Automatic Idle Logout is disabled.
You are now ready to launch Quicktime Player by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the screen.
When QuickTime Player has finished launching, select File Menu>New Movie Recording to open the recording window and activate the camera.
The recording window will open onscreen and a light will appear next to the camera at the top of the screen. Adjust the computer and seating so your entire group fills the screen.
You will also need to make sure the recording is picking up audio. You should see meters move underneath the red record button.
Recording will start when you click on the button and it will change into a square. If you click on the square the movie will stop recording. The bottom left corner will also begin displaying elapsed recording time. The bottom right corner will estimate the recording file size.
After your recording has stopped, you need to save the file. Select File Menu>Save…
Select Desktop on the left under Favorites and name your file. This will make it easy to find for uploading. You can also uncheck Hide Extension in the bottom left which causes the movie to have the .mov file suffix visible in the name.
Depending upon the recording duration, this saving may take some time (15-30 minutes for a 45 minute recording).
After the movie recording has finished saving, you are ready to upload it to Login to with your web browser.
Select Upload, then Files, and navigate to your recording.
Click Open after you have selected the recording.
You will see a progress indicator while the file uploads.
When the file has finished uploading, you need to change the sharing permissions so you can share a link to the file. Click on Share on the right side of the file to access the share menu.
Now, click on the blue Access menu and change the access to People with the link.
Then, copy the link address from the Shared Link box above.
Anyone with this link address can view and download your recording. This is the link address that you will want to send to your instructor via email.