866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

Sharing your computer allows the Media Commons consultants the ability to view and control your computer. This is useful if you are unsure of how to explain the problem or have no idea what is wrong. This lets the Consultants actually see and control your machine, letting them assist you more completely.

Please understand that while you are sharing your computer, you control who has access to view and control your machine. In this tutorial you will learn how to start sharing and how to create a password to control access to who can share your computer.

To begin, locate on the desktop the icon that says Share My Computer. Double click on the icon.

This will bring up a new window.

This just is informing you that this programs allows other users (i.e Media Commons consultants) remote access to view and control your computer.

Click Start Sharing.

The program will then prompt you again and ask you if you are sure you want remote users to be able to share your computer, click OK.

This prompt is again confirming that you want to give remote users (i.e. Media Commons consultants) the ability to share your computer.

Once you click OK it will ask you to enter a password.

Please enter the password 1234. You will be giving this password to a Media Commons consultant.

Once you enter the password, click OK.

This will display a window with Host (IP), Display/Port and a Password.

When speaking with the consultant, give him or her the last numbers from the Host (IP).

The Consultant will then enter in this information on their end and begin sharing your computer and assisting you in whatever issues you are having with your machine.

Once you are ready to stop sharing you computer click, Stop Sharing.

This will give you an confirmation window. If you are sure you want to stop sharing, click Stop Sharing. If it was a mistake, click Keep Sharing.

Once you’ve clicked Stop Sharing you are done.

If you are troubleshooting with a Media Commons consultant and their instructions require restarting or logging out, you will need to reconnect using these steps again once you have logged back in to the editing computer.