866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

Welcome back, students, faculty and staff! As hard as it is to believe that summer is over already, we’re looking forward to a great semester of media projects across the Commonwealth this Fall.

To help support you as you work with our tools and technologies, we’ve put in place some exciting new resources. When you visit our revamped Support page, you’ll find that there’s a new hotline number as well as brand new chat option.

Hotline Options

We’re looking forward to talking with you!

On the phone side of things, our hotline is now click-to-call enabled, meaning that you can get Media Commons support right from our editing computers! Just click that new, blue button and you’ll be connected to our consultants in your browser window. Further, we’ve simplified our menu structure – so much so that there’s no menu at all. Your call will be routed to the first available consultant each and every time. Voicemail’s improved, too, in that we can shuffle your messages across our team on the backend, making sure you get the best support possible when we ring you back.

In addition to the phone changes, this semester will see the debut of web-based chat support. Clicking the speech bubble icon in the lower right hand corner of any mediacommons.psu.edu page will bring up a window in which you can ask us questions about whatever media project on which you happen to be working. Simple as that!

We’ll be piloting these new tools throughout the Fall and we really look forward to seeing how they can enhance our support for you. If you have feedback about the experience, we’d love to hear it so let us know using any of the options just described!