866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

by Carla Rapp
Traveling Media Consultant


I have always been interested in exploring different learning styles. No two people learn the same way. Some of us learn through listening or visualization, or by doing and experiencing. Often people learn best by having many different learning approaches presented to them.

Media Commons projects can offer opportunities for many different learning styles to shine. Learners that like to listen and write can be involved with scripting and storytelling, while visual learners can focus on filming and editing.

In addition to addressing different learning styles, Media Commons projects also offer many opportunities for students to learn, use, and sharpen their 21st Century Skills. These are skills that they will need in their future careers. 21st Century Skills, as outlined by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, include:

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Information and Media Literacy

For more information on this please visit, https://www.imls.gov.

The Media Commons team has worked further to demonstrate how these different 21st Century Skills can be utilized, and learning styles can be addressed, to their fullest in a Media Commons project. Please take a look at our new resource on the faculty page about instructional methods and Media Commons projects, https://mediacommons.psu.edu/faculty/.

Learning Styles Info