866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

As the semester is winding down many students project’s are becoming due. This was the case with the LLED (Language and Literacy Education) 402 class at Berks. This semester the students in this class, all Juniors, were given the task of creating an educational/informational video. These videos were intended for the classes they are student teaching in this Spring. The students were split into groups of about 4, and each picked a different topic. The topics ranged from understanding a “Need” is different from a “Want”, this video was for a kindergarten class, to understanding the significance of the Declaration of Independence for a third or fourth grade class.

The instructor for this class, Professor Toni Vanino, and I have been planning and coordinating for this project since the Fall. I worked with her students on four occasions providing iMovie and Scholarly Storytelling support, as they worked on their projects throughout the semester.

All of the student’s hard work came to fruition yesterday, when the class had their end of the semester iMovie Project Viewing Party.

Berks Project Preview

They invited me to come see their final projects, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled to be there. We previewed all the groups projects. Many of the students said they had already used the videos they had created in their student teaching classrooms, and that they were very well received by their students.

Here one the projects completed by the students about the Declaration of Independence. Enjoy!

– Carla