866-266-7496 mediacommons@psu.edu

This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with the concepts discussed in the Basic Editing in iMovie tutorial.

Add a Title

  1. Start with video already on your Timeline.
  2. Select Titles at the top of the screen.
iMovie titles

This will open up the Titles Browser where you can browse the various pre-made title sequences available in iMovie.


  1. Run your cursor over the thumbnail of a Title to see a preview of what the Title will look like when applied to your movie.
  2. Drag and drop the text where you want it in your video.
Drag and drop text
  1. Drag the edges of the purple text bar to make it longer or shorter. Make sure the text will be on screen long enough for someone to read it.
Changing text length
  1. If you do not want anything behind the text, drop it into the timeline at the end or between clips.
Dropping text at the end of a clip
  1. Select Backgrounds at the top of the screen if you want a background that is not one of your own video clips or photos.
Background choices
  1. Drag in a background of your choice and then drag your title choice on top of your background.
Dragging background
Dragging a title on top of the background

Customize Text

When you first bring in your text, some or all of it will be highlighted in the viewer to be edited.

  1. Type in the text you want to appear.
  2. Double click or highlight the other text fields that you may need to change.
Highlighting of title
  1. Select the T icon above the viewer window to adjust the font, size, and color of the text.
How to adjust font
  1. Select the check symbol on the right side of the text options when you are done.
Adjusting title color
  1. Select the purple text bar to make further adjustments to your text at any time.