Media Commons Hotline
Working on a media project for your class and not sure where to begin? Call, email or chat with the Media Commons hotline for help with project planning, finding resources, production tools, editing assistance, publishing – or anything in between.
Spring 2025 Hours: Mon- Fri 9-5
Note: Consultants try their best to respond within one business day.
Live, web-based chat support is available here and on every other page of the Media Commons website. Just click the icon in the lower right hand corner and a consultant will assist you.
Availability: Chat is open during regular hotline support hours listed above.
Ask CLIve
Creative Learning Initiatives (CLI) supports creators through the Media Commons, IMEX Lab and Maker Commons. Our CLIve chatbot leverages artificial intelligence to help you create media projects that will impress your instructors.

Making An Appointment
No matter where you are, Media Commons offers services to help you envision, create and publish multimedia projects.
1-on-1 Remote Consultations
Penn State students, faculty, and staff at any campus can schedule a remote appointment for individualized help using the appointment request form.
At University Park
At University Park, students, faculty or staff may schedule an appointment to use a One Button Studio or a Media Production Room using the appointment request form.
Assistance during in-person appointments is provided remotely.
Across the Commonwealth
Across the Commonwealth, please visit our Location pages to find out more about what resources are available at your campus.
More Support Options
Media Commons provides tailored training for your classes upon request as well as
tutorials and modules that cover all of the services that we support.
To schedule a media software training workshop for your class, fill out the Workshop Request Form. (UP Only)
Need tailored training on technologies that Media Commons supports?
Media Commons offers On-Demand Training Workshops for small or large groups and classes. At University Park, these workshops are held in the multimedia classroom located in the Pattee Library Media Commons. At Commonwealth campuses, they can be held at your location or online. If your group requires consultation on any of our topics, please contact mediacommons@psu.edu.
Tutorials + Modules
Looking for information on how to use the software and hardware resources that Media Commons provides? From adding transitions in iMovie to editing green screen footage to publishing content, we’ve got you covered in our Tutorials library.
And, if you are looking for a more interactive training option, try our Modules which allow you to review a process, practice the steps and assess yourself on the key points from any computer or device, anytime!